Pierce Hall was a part of Tercero, consisting of buildings G - M with the exception of I (interesting note: I was not included as a building name because on mailings the letters L and I look similar and the university didn't want to deal with any mixups). It was adjacent to Thille Hall; in fact, many didn't even realize that they were in either one. Pierce Hall was named for George W. and Dixwell Pierce. It was built in 1967. It was demolished in March 2012.

The university has been planning the expansion of Tercero for quite some time. First there were the Tercero South Residence Halls and the dining commons renovation. Then Tercero South Phase II. The plan after this was to demolish Leach Hall and build additional dorms there. However, in January of 2011, a seismic evaluation found the Pierce Hall buildings seismically deficient. "The concrete structures employ steel connections to connect floors to supporting walls, which was consistent with then-current building codes but do not comply with current seismic standards. Under University of California seismic policy, the buildings were determined to be 'poor' to 'very poor.'" (Source) Since Leach Hall was safe for the time being, student housing decided to demolish Pierce and Thille Halls instead and expand there. Construction on the new buildings is scheduled to begin in September 2012 and expected to be completed by May 2014

Gardner Action Dailey designed this complex, along with Thille Hall.

Note: Pierce RA staff consists of buildings F, G, H, and J, L, M and K were part of the Leach RA staff.